Space Observatory
The Space Observatory of Isdefe's Horizons Network focuses its activity on monitoring, analyzing and evaluating technological advances and emerging trends in the space sector.

Space Observatory Alliance
Chair of Space
Lines of research:
- Quantum technologies applied to space. Studies in quantum radar and quantum communications.
- Space Satellite Communication Systems.
- Space Earth Observation Systems.
- Global Navigation and Positioning Satellite Systems.
- Space Surveillance and Monitoring Systems.

Chair Directors: Pablo Fajardo (UC3M) and Rosa Pulido (Isdefe)
Observatory News
"Isabel Carnoto, alumna de doctorado de la Cátedra Isdefe-UC3M en Espacio, gana el premio de la Agencia Europea de Defensa (EDA) al mejor artículo 2024" (junio 2024)
"Isdefe y la UC3M participan en la I Semana Interdisciplinar del Espacio y IV Congreso de Ingeniería Espacial" (junio 2022)
Observatory Publications
"High sensitivity microwave receiver for quantum radar applications" (august 2023)
Abstract presented to the IST-SET-198 Research Symposium on "Quantum Technology for Defence and Security", held on 03-04 October 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
‘Comparative performance study between Classical and Quantum communications’. TFG Marta Palacios Rodríguez (July 2023)
Final Degree Project resulting from the research carried out by the student Marta Palacios in the field of quantum communications.
"Quantum optics report" (april 2023)
Report by the student Natalia Centeno on the state of the art of quantum optics, the result of the research of the quantum line of the space observatory of the Horizontes Network.
‘Performance Study of a Quantum Radar’. TFM Isabel Carnoto Amat (March 2023)
Master's thesis is the result of the research carried out by the student Isabel Carnoto in the field of quantum radars.
‘Quantum radar for space debris detection’ (november 2022)
Communication presented at the IX Congreso Nacional de I+D de Defensa y Seguridad (DESEi+d 2022).
‘Emulator of a quantum cryptographic system: comparison of quantum key distribution protocols BB84 and efficient BB84’ (april 2022)
Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Space Week and IV Space Engineering Congress.
‘Introduction to a common European framework for space engineering studies’ (april 2022)
Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Space Week and IV Space Engineering Congress.
‘Quantum Cryptography’. TFG Isabel Carnoto Amat (September 2021)
Final Degree Project resulting from the research carried out by the student Isabel Carnoto in the field of quantum cryptography.
‘Quantum Communications’. TFG Julio Nevado Delgado (July 2021)
Final Degree Project resulting from the research carried out by the student Julio Nevado in the field of quantum communications.
‘Education and competences in space at European level’ (june 2021)
Analysis work proposing a new approach to identify the gaps between European space education and the skills demanded by industry.
‘Quantum Communications System Emulator’ (november 2020)
Communication presented at the VIII National Congress on Defence and Security RD (DESEi+d 2020).
"Cross-Matching Catalogs in Astronomy and Problem Reformulation in ML". TFM Óscar Manuel Jiménez Rama (September 2020)
Master's thesis is the result of the research carried out by the student Óscar Manuel Jiménez.
‘Studies in Quantum Cryptography - Part I’ (december 2019)
Technical study on quantum cryptography.
"Studies on Quantum Cryptography - Part II" (december 2019)
Technical study on quantum cryptography.
"Optical Wireless Communications in Space" (november 2019)
Technical report on optical wireless communications in space.
‘Surveillance and Tracking of Space Objects’ (september 2018)
Analysis of the institutional framework and the main lines of development and research in OSH.