
The Isdefe Horizons Network anticipates the immense potential of quantum technologies.

Quantum technologies have the potential to manage vast amounts of data that even the most powerful supercomputers of the moment are unable to handle.

Thanks to this new computing capability, sensitive information can be securely transmitted to any location, or diseases can be diagnosed with special speed and precision by looking inside cells.

Rosa Pulido, gerente de Espacio de Isdefe, moderated the panel at the 2023 Horizons Network Plenary, where we explored the present and future of these technologies through two of the Horizontes Network Chairs: the Isdefe-UC3M Chair in Space y the Isdefe-UAH Chair in Cybersecurity.

If you want to watch the full video of the quantum panel from this session, here it is:

Firstly, Luís Enrique García, Technical Director of the Isdefe-UC3M Chair in Space, analyzed the two main lines of research being carried out. In addition to Earth observation, space debris, and satellite communications, this Chair focuses on quantum technologies, where progress is being made in quantum communications as well as quantum radar, which “offers a number of advantages, but will never replace the classical one”.

Here is the short video:

For their part, José Javier Martínez y Javier Junquera, participated as the director and technical director of the Isdefe-UAH Chair in Cibersecurity, respectively.

The first of them explained in detail the technological foresight carried out so far: from legal cybersecurity to next-generation cryptography, continuous authentication, and monitoring of the dark, deep, hidden, and invisible Internet. Looking to the future, he anticipated that it would be necessary to “accelerate the update of systems so that transitions are less disruptive”.

You can watch the short video of José Javier Martínez’s intervention here:

Javier Junquera also discussed the work done in the field of homomorphic encryption and lightweight encryption, through the development of new, more efficient encryption systems for implementation in devices with limited capacity, such as those used in the Internet of Things (IoT).

And the short video of Javier Junquera’s intervention is here:

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