SEMCE – Application of Artificial Intelligence for Achieving the Objectives of the National Energy and Climate Plan

The project was developed between 2020 and 2022.
POC: innovacion@isdefe.es


Winner of the 2019 Isdefe’s IDEAS challenge (5th edition).

Internal R&D project

The internal R&D project of Isdefe, Aplicación de la Inteligencia Artificial para la Consecución de los Objetivos del Plan Nacional de Energía y Clima (SEMCE), developed between 2020 and 2022, has developed a model based on Artificial Intelligence techniques capable of assessing the level of compliance with the objectives set in the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) through a pilot case in which the actual consumption of buildings of the General State Administration is compared with their energy certificates. The project includes a prototype and proof of concept for the tool.

The project was developed by a team coordinated by Javier Cordobés Muñoz and Cristina Gómez Vide from the Transportation, Energy, and ICT Directorate of Isdefe.

For further information, please contact innovacion@isdefe.es

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