MMTD – Maturity Model for the Digital Transformation of Public Administrations

Project under development since January 2024
POC: innovacion@isdefe.es


Winner of the 2024 Isdefe’s IDEAS challenge (9th edition)

Internal R&D project

The digital transformation of the NSA is no longer a necessity, it is an obligation for all public administrations. IT IS AN OBLIGATION FOR ALL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATIONS. Isdefe, as an instrumental means, supports multiple agencies in this transformation and in multiple facets, from Program Offices to technology implementation projects. In most cases, the lack of a technical standard or guide to accompany the strategy and projects in this profound technological and human transformation prevents success with the consequent loss of resources and efforts.
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Through the development of a maturity model and its standard, the necessary support guide for the Public Administration is covered.

The project has the following objectives.

  • Objective 1. To develop the Digital Transformation Maturity Model for Public Administration.
  • Objective 2. Development of an intelligent automatism as a support guide for the Public Administration.
  • Objective 3. Distribute it to the entire National Government in the form of an application norm or standard.

The Digital Maturity Model for Public Administrations is not a description of processes but of steps towards the achievement of the digital maturity objective, which includes the necessary technological review and organizational adaptation to adapt them to the new way of providing and managing regulated services.

The scope of this proposal includes the following phases:

Phase 1: Exploratory research; Definition of the problem and the solution. Review of other maturity models, standards and existing literature. Characterization of the solution space. Concept development.

Phase 2: Development of the Digital Transformation Maturity Model. Definition of the Maturity Model from different perspectives; Regulatory, Organizational, Technological, Processes, Data Management and use of Artificial Intelligence.

Phase 3: Model support automation. Development of software solution.

Phase 4: Exposure and publication of the standard; Publication and participation in public administration forums; ASLAN Association and similar.

The project is developed by a team coordinated by Gerardo Minguela Castro from Isdefe’s Technology Modernization and Digital Transformation Department.

For further information, please contact innovacion@isdefe.es

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