Internal CME

The project was developed between 2016 and 2017
POC: innovacion@isdefe.es


Winner of the 2015 Isdefe’s IDEAS challenge (1st edition)

Internal R&D project

Strategic planning in public sector organizations has been the subject of Isdefe’s technical assistance and consulting work for years. In these consulting projects it has been found that the lack of an adequate scorecard associated with strategic planning (strategic scorecard) hinders the managed implementation of the strategies designed. In certain cases, moreover, the acquisition of such a strategic management tool entails an additional cost for our clients, which can be a barrier to carrying out strategic consulting projects.

Under Isdefe’s internal R&D project Internal CME, between June 2016 and May 2017, a proprietary methodology was developed for the formulation and control of strategic plans in Public Administrations (PAs), as well as a strategic management data model, which aims to standardize and make information on strategy interoperable among the different PAs. As a final product, a SW tool demonstrator has been developed for the management of strategic plans, which shows in practice how to apply the methodology and the data model.

The project was developed by a team coordinated by Tirso Camacho Mira of Isdefe’s Technological Modernization and Digital Transformation Department.

For further information, please contact innovacion@isdefe.es

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