INTERCEPT- Innovation procurement of advanced technologies for safe remote vehicle stopping by law enforcement

The project has been under development since August 2024
Program: Horizon Europe
Role: Affiliated Entity
POC: innovacion@isdefe.es


The European R&D project Non-tArgeted foRensic multidisCiplinary platfOrm for inveStigatIon of drug-related fatalitieS (INTERCEPT) is co-funded by the European Commission within the framework of the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program, under grant agreement number 101167800.

INTERCEPT aims to strengthen the capabilities of law enforcement authorities in the EU and equip them with effective methods to remotely and securely stop vehicles that pose imminent and high-risk threats to citizens and society. This involves identifying technological gaps to address in order to minimize existing vulnerabilities and improve security efficiency.

This objective is supported from the outset by various partners, in particular security professionals. INTERCEPT involves eight end users from eight EU countries (Belgium, Finland, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic, Spain and the UK), all of which are also public purchasers. In addition, many other end users will participate through the User Observatory Group (UOG).

The project follows a progressive and iterative approach to collectively identify a common challenge that can be addressed with identified candidate technologies, laying the groundwork for future PCP (Pre-Commercial Procurement), for which the buyer group will be created during the project, through the continued involvement of UOG. Initially, at least six jointly defined common security use cases will serve to comprehensively describe the gaps between available solutions, existing procedures and identified requirements. Subsequently, technology experts will analyze these needs, considering legal, social, ethical and environmental factors, as well as state-of-the-art analysis (SoTA) and consultations with the open market.

Ultimately, the results will inform the definition of the common challenge and the development of the initial set of bidding documents.

Isdefe will participate in the INTERCEPT project as an Affiliated Entity of the National Police (PN), collaborating with them in the mapping of common security needs and threats (WP3), in the gap analysis and mapping of solutions (WP4) and in the preparation of PCP (Pre-commercial procurement) pre-commercial acquisitions (WP5).

The Isdefe team participating in the project is coordinated by Raquel Pastor Pastor of Isdefe’s Defense and Security Technologies Department.

For further information, please contact innovacion@isdefe.es

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