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GECO – Knowledge Management Applied to the Digital Transformation of Isdefe

The project was developed between 2021 and 2022.


Winner of the 2020 Isdefe’s IDEAS challenge (6th edition)

Internal R&D project

Isdefe has made several attempts to manage the knowledge of its employees and none of these projects has had a great impact on the organization despite the support of our company’s management.

Isdefe’s internal R&D project Knowledge Management Applied to Isdefe’s Digital Transformation (GECO) has the following main objectives:

• Manage knowledge related to the digital transformation of the General State Administration (AGE).

• Apply lessons learned to establish the basis for good knowledge management both to Isdefe and to clients.

The final product is a tool open to the entire Isdefe workforce and a methodology for knowledge management. The starting point for this application is the capabilities tool developed in 2018.

The project was developed by a team coordinated by Gerardo Minguela Castro and Daniel Diez Mocha from Isdefe’s Technological Modernization and Digital Transformation Department.

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