ARES UTM – Design of a Spanish UTM Architecture

The project was developed between 2018 and 2019.
POC: innovacion@isdefe.es


Winner of the 2017 Isdefe’s IDEAS challenge (3rd edition)

Internal R&D project

The internal R&D project of Isdefe, Diseño de una Arquitectura Española UTM (ARES UTM) aims to define a Spanish architecture for a UTM (Unmanned Traffic Management) system for the management of RPAS (Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems) flights at low altitude. In Europe, a roadmap (SESAR U-Space Blueprint) has been proposed that includes the use of these systems for flight management, and a schedule for their development has been established.

The proposal includes the analysis of the requirements established by groups involved in European and global initiatives, followed by the specification of the systems and the definition of the architecture.

The proposal is addressed to authorities responsible for authorizing and providing low-altitude RPAS control services using a UTM system. In Spain, the competencies lie with AESA and ENAIRE in the civil sector, and with the Air Force in the military sector. To avoid a monopoly, the European Commission in its roadmap indicates that the industry must also participate in the provision of UTM services.

The project was developed by a team coordinated by Jorge Bueno Gómez from the Transportation and ICT Directorate of Isdefe.

For further information, please contact innovacion@isdefe.es

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