Information and Communications Technology Observatory (ICT)
The ICT Observatory of Isdefe's Horizon Network aims to analyze and evaluate the advances, trends and applications of emerging technologies in the field of Information and Communication Technologies, in order to anticipate and understand the evolution of the most disruptive digital technologies.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Observatory Partnership
ICT and Artificial Intelligence Chair
Lines of research:
- 5G technologies and their application to civil and military environments.
- Artificial Intelligence applied to Natural Language Processing (NLP).
- Innovative applications of ICTs in defence.

Chair Directors: José Antonio Portilla (UAH) and Juan Antonio Carabaña (Isdefe)
Observatory News
"RTVE, Isdefe y la Universidad de Alcalá (UAH) colaboran desarrollando proyectos de Inteligencia Artificial" (mayo 2024)
"La Cátedra de ISDEFE-UAH en TIC e IA de la UAH participa en una mesa redonda sobre las aplicaciones de la IA en Seguridad y Defensa en una Jornada de Innovación y Conocimiento en Jaén" (abril 2024)