
Isdefe holds the 2024 Plenary of the Horizons Network.

Imagen oficial de la Plenaria 2024 de la Red Horizontes.

On December 4, at Isdefe’s auditorium, we will hold the 2024 Plenary Session of the Horizons Network, an annual event in which we will reflect on the foresight and future trends of the Public Administration.

During the event, a colloquium will be held between the Public Administration and the universities of the Horizons Network, entitled ‘Foresight in the SGA: a tool to anticipate challenges, improve decision-making and design policies’.

In addition, the observatories of the Horizons Network will present the technology foresight reports prepared this year, highlighting key aspects.

In the following links you can find more information about the Horizons Network, the vehicle around which the foresight and technology watch activities at Isdefe are articulated:

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