
DESEi+D 2024: Isdefe Awards

The XI National Congress on Defense and Security R&D (DESEi+d 2024) swas held at the Jaen Trade Fair and Congress Center on November 12, 13 and 14. This meeting was coordinated by the Sub-Directorate General for Planning, Technology and Innovation (SDG PLATIN) and the Sub-Directorate General for Military Education, together with the Defense University Centers and Isdefe.

The Isdefe´s Director of Innovation, Processes and Digital Transformation, Ildefonso Vera Gómez, was in charge of presenting the Isdefe DESEi+d 2024 awards:

– 8th Edition of the Antonio Torres Award to Juan Carlos Martín Fernández for the communication: “CROWN Project – Final results of an AESA Multifunction System Demonstrator”.
Final results of an AESA Multifunction System Demonstrator”.

– 2nd Edition of the Defense Challenge Award in the field of Autonomous Systems to Marco Andrés Luna, for the paper: “Proposal of a UAV swarm system for military training operations with aerial targets”.

– 3rd Edition of the University Student Award to Jesús Latre Campo, for the communication: “Challenges and solutions in image acquisition for landing gear detection in military aircraft using Deep Learning models”.

Finally, Isdefe’s Director of Business Development, Jesús Alonso Martín, participated in the closing table together with the Director General of Strategy and Innovation of the Defense Industry, Lieutenant General Miguel Ivorra Ruíz, the Director General of Recruitment and Military Education, Lieutenant General Pedro José García Cifo and other authorities.

Isdefe thus maintains its presence in this type of events that encourage development and innovation in the service of defense and security, two pillars of the General State Administration (AGE).

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