Defence and Security Observatory Alliance

Logistics Node

The Logistics Node of the Defense and Security Observatory of Isdefe's Horizons Network is articulated through specific collaborations with universities and research centers on logistical aspects of interest to the three armies.

Escuela de Telecomunicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Chair Directors: Mateo Burgos (UPM) and Luis Alfonso García (Isdefe)
Coordinators agreed: Irache Ilardia (Isdefe)
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Lines of research:

  • Predictive maintenance.
  • Logistics 4.0.
  • Intelligent Bases and Arsenals.

3rd Innovation Week (2024): “Isdefe, support in logistics transformation

Featured projects:

  • The Zaragoza Logistic Center (ZLC), which has an important agreement with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has prepared for Isdefe a “Technology Foresight Study on military logistics“.

  • Isdefe, the University of Salamanca (USAL) and the Center for Supervision and Analysis of Monitored Data of the Navy (CESADAR) have collaborated on a project “Virtual Reality Application for the sustainment of the Navy’s F100“.

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