The Isdefe Collaborative Innovation Network

The Horizontes Network is the vehicle around which Isdefe’s foresight and technology watch activities are articulated. Its main objective is to detect future trends in Isdefe’s areas of activity in order to train the company’s staff sufficiently in advance to respond quickly to the new challenges facing the General State Administration (AGE).

La red horizontes ISDEFE colaborativa de la Innovación

Horizons Network

The objective of the Horizons Network is to detect future trends in areas of Isdefe of activity in order to train the personnel of the company sufficiently in advance and thus respond quickly to the new challenges of the AGE.


Horizons Network Observatories

The Network is configured as a set of Observatories (nodes of action) articulated through Chairs, agreements and other agreements with Universities and professional organizations.

Defense and Security Observatory
The Defense and Security Observatory of Isdefe's Horizons Network analyzes and evaluates trends, innovations and technological advances that impact the field of defense and security. The objective of the observatory is to identify risks and opportunities in order to strengthen Isdefe's work in support of the Ministry of Defense and the rest of the General State Administration.
Observatorio Isdefe / CETEDEX
Systems Engineering and Programme Management Observatory
The Systems Engineering and Program Management Observatory of Isdefe's Horizons Network has a cross-cutting nature in the company and is aimed at continuous improvement in the application of methodologies and best practices in these disciplines.
Transport Observatory
Isdefe's Horizons Network Transportation Observatory focuses on analyzing and evaluating emerging technologies and developments in this sector to improve the efficient, safe and sustainable management of transportation.
Observatorio de Espacio
Space Observatory
The Space Observatory of Isdefe's Horizons Network focuses its activity on monitoring, analyzing and evaluating technological advances and emerging trends in the space sector.
Observatorio de TIC e Inteligencia Artificial
Information and Communications Technology Observatory (ICT)
El Observatorio de TIC de la Red horizontes de Isdefe tiene como objetivo analizar y evaluar los avances, tendencias y aplicaciones de las tecnologías emergentes en el ámbito de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, para anticiparse y comprender la evolución de las tecnologías digitales más disruptivas.
Imagen conceptual de sostenibilidad.
Energy Observatory
The Energy Observatory of Isdefe's Horizons Network focuses on analysing and evaluating trends and technological advances in the energy sector. Its purpose is to identify and anticipate emerging technologies that can foster innovation, sustainability and energy efficiency in an ever-changing world, thus being a strategic tool to monitor the progress of energy technologies, anticipate challenges and opportunities, and promote innovation and sustainability in the energy sector.

Recent News Horizons Network

Noticias recientes Red Horizontes
Imagen oficial de la Plenaria 2024 de la Red Horizontes.
26 de November de 2024
Isdefe holds the 2024 Plenary of the Horizons Network.
On December 4, at Isdefe’s auditorium, we will hold the 2024 Plenary Session of the Horizons Network, an annual event in which we will reflect on...
Belinda Misiego, jefa del área de Innovación de Isdefe, entrega uno de los galardones.
29 de May de 2024
Isdefe awards Lucía Cristina Martín Pérez, Horizontes Network success story
Isdefe presented the award for academic excellence for the 2022-2023 academic year at the School of Telecommunications Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (ETISIT UPM)...

Recent publications

Imagen que ilustra el WP de Isdefe sobre su 2ª Semana de la Innovación.
New report: ‘The role of innovation in the service of our country's energy transition’.
To contribute to the dissemination and development of innovation, Isdefe has just published a report focused on the...
Isdefe publishes a full report on the latest Horizontes Network Plenary to foster open innovation
Isdefe has begun publishing a series of reports on the company’s activity with a common denominator: opening up...